Machine Learning. Artificial Intelligence. Perl.
Run Neural Network Models via Google TensorFlow

Run Neural Network Models via Google TensorFlow
From Perl Source Code To Compiled C++ Binary
Compile & Run Apps On The Cloud
Tri-Function Recorder For STEM Research & Activities
World's Fastest Code, Written From Scratch
Auto-Parallelization For High-Performance Computers
Perl TensorFlow v0.0.4, codename 'Saluki', is now available at
Saluki includes the ability to load and execute a machine learning model such as Imagenet / MobileNet V2, and comes with an image classification tutorial.
CloudForFree v1.6, codename 'Altostratus', is now available at
Altostratus includes the RPerl v5.2 LTS compiler, and is also available on Docker Hub.
Early episodes of Perl Town Hall are now available on YouTube.
Join us for the world's first TV show by and for the global Perl community!
RPerl v7.0, codename 'Nova', is now available on CPAN.
Nova begins our multi-phase upgrade to enable arrays and hashes by value. This initial phase enables dynamic dispatch for calling subroutines which accept array arguments.
RPerl v5.0, codename 'Skylab', is now available on CPAN.
Skylab introduces support for quick installation via Docker, now available at Docker Hub!
See the Get RPerl page for Docker installation commands.
CloudForFree v1.4, codename 'Stratus', is now available at
Stratus includes the ability to save your source code files and execute them using the RPerl v4.0 compiler.
Welcome to the Cloud, it's all yours!
RPerl v4.0, codename 'Enterprise', is now available on CPAN.
Enterprise delivers a number of new features, including long-awaited support for automatic installation via pre-compiled OS-specific packages, now available at!
See the Get RPerl page for installation commands.
RPerl v3.6, codename 'Sirius', is now available on CPAN. Sirius introduces RPerl to the world of databases with ultra-high-speed native C++ support for the MongoDB document-oriented database platform. Also, happy 5th birthday to RPerl!
RPerl.orgRPerl v3.4, codename 'Orion', is now available on CPAN. Orion takes the first baby steps toward Moo & Moose support by introducing the ability to initilize the values of an object's properties as part of the constructor call, which is a common Moo(se) feature with wide-spread usage!
RPerl.orgRPerl v3.2, codename 'Pleiades', is now available on CPAN. Pleiades includes the long-awaited support for normal subroutine headers, as well as enhanced regular expressions, the GNU Scientific Library, and much more!
RPerl.orgRPerl v3.0, codename 'Mercury', is now available on CPAN. As promised, Mercury now includes support for medium-magic regular expressions.
RPerl.orgRPerl v2.8, codename 'Copernicus', is now available on CPAN. Copernicus now includes support for Perl v5.25, Perl v5.26, and Perl v5.27.
RPerl.orgRPerl v2.6, codename 'Pisces', is now available on CPAN. Pisces includes even better compatibility with C++ OO class property inheritance, multiple bug fixes, and initial preparations for adding medium-magic Perl support to future versions of RPerl.
RPerl.orgRPerl v2.45, codename 'Perseus', is now available on CPAN. Perseus includes multiple bug fixes and compile-time performance optimizations, as well as functionality upgrades such as support for subroutines inside programs, automatic compiled execution, and greater compatibility with C++ OO class property inheritance.
Learn RPerl Today!
Live Exercises: v1.0 full release, codename 'Nimbostratus', is now available for public use. Login via GitHub, run RPerl on the Cloud for free!
CloudForFree.orgPhysicsPerl: Simulate the motion of the gas giant planets in our own solar system
MathPerl: Find solutions to a linear system of equations
StandardPerl: Sort data, purposefully inefficient for learning and benchmarking
MathPerl: Generate beautiful and infinitely-recursive Mandelbrot and Julia fractals