Support :: GitHub Bug Tracker :: Overview
Find Bug. Squash Bug. Repeat.

Bugs happen, and when they do we need to file bug reports to ensure they get fixed.
APTech utilizes the GitHub's free bug tracker called "issues", so there is no charge for anyone to file
an issue and follow its progress until a fix is released.
First, confirm with APTech staff that your bug is real.
Second, check that nobody has already filed a report about the bug you found. For RPerl, you may view
existing issues. Please do not
file duplicate bug reports.
Third, file a report for all new bugs. For RPerl, you may create a
new issue.
Upon successfully filing your bug report, please be patient while our staff attends to your issue.
Please be sure to include all of the following information in your bug report:
- Your Name & Contact Info
- Operating System Name & Version
- Perl Version
- Exact Steps To Reproduce Bug
- Public Non-Expiring Paste For Large Output